Quinn's enjoying the sun !!
Norman, Ray Ray and The Brick (not a rescue) are all wanting their photos taken.
Quinns enjoying a quick dip in the watering bowl.
Norman enjoying the snow !! He is from Alaska.
Dixon blends in with the fall colors.
Benton LOVES his toys !!
Dillon,on her way to her NEW home.
First meeting with Dillon and Benton had to photo bomb the photo, of course.
Dixon's before and after, this was horrific, he smelled sooooo bad.
Benton has thrived despite being shot in the head at one month of age. He brings us joy each and every day.

Ray Ray was so sickly and so TINY. He is the kindest character.
Willow loves soaking in the sunshine.
Echo is growing up so fast, 6 months old in this photo.
Ray Ray steals eveyones heart.
The day we met Quinns and Benton was so happy this his new sister.
Norman begging to have his stick thrown.
Sometimes you just don't ask why.
Baby Echo, Sweetest, kindest heart.
Dillon sure loves to roll in the dirt.

Two-Dot loves going with us on horseback rides.
Ray Ray always ready for a photo opportunity.

Benton on local weather news report. He is a STAR.
Chichen Wing and Dixon doing what they love sooooo much, napping on the porch
Echo is so cute !!

Chicken loves the camera.
Tough morning getting out of bed. Ray Ray loves to sleep in.
Ray Ray also on morning FurCast on local weather report.
Two-Dot posing in the posies.

Benton out for a walk at Carry Creek.
Don't tell Kenny we might be cheating.
Benton such a happy boy and oh so handsome.
Best way to have morning coffee. Kenny, Ray Ray and Lolo.

Bridger not a rescue but a huge part of the family,

Benton falls asleep like this all the time holding his leg like a pacifier.

This is first time the dogs met when we brought Chicken Wing and Echo home from a Browning Montana rescue

Total cuteness Ray Ray and Libby are BFF.

You do know we live in a house that the dogs own. Benton has no limitations.

Ray Ray sleeping with the T.V. on again.

Will be better after Clancy he has his eye sockets surgically closes.

Thank you, Kate, for your generous donation, Benton and Ray Ray are so happy you thought of them.

Echo stole moms hat AGAIN.

Clancy is always smiling

Miss our sweet Angel everyday !! She sure looks pretty when she was fresh from the groomers.

Clancy had his eye surgery and is recovering, he is feeling so much better, after hair grows back in he'll look sooooo much better.

Ray Ray and Echo enjoying a very warm sunny day on the porch. Spring is in the air.

Chicken Wing and Echo (can you see her?) are always playing King of the hill in the snowbank.

Echo is soooo beautiful. She is happiest in the cooler outside weather.